J The Ripper Show #46!
Featuring J The Rippa! (cue applause)
*Pussy ass faggot wannabe PUA's who never put in field time...FUCK YOU PUA HATE
*Feedback from last show; what Tyler Durden and Manwhore thought
*Which instructors use drugs and which drugs are most popular for PUA Gurus
*Being an anti social misfit getting punked at work
*My Most Humiliating Moment
*The story of the bitch who fucked me over that influenced me to form CC
*Weird 8th grade kid scamming with chicks and I jerk off watching it go down...
*Was Matadors "game" any good?
* He calls me unattractive and 3 years of self esteem go down the drain
*Decibel calls me out on being a shitty PUA and he writes a report about it
*Does Bravo from Stylelife have beef with CC, specifically Hydro?
*Kid Vicious has a foot fetish
*Teaser of how Mehows game really is
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completely garbage
Thats what I love about this site. Any other forum would have banned in either direction. I will give the devil his due, jtr has put out a very entertaining podcast and the last two shows are better than anything he's put out in the past. I know its the "cool" thing to bash him, but all "puahating facades" aside, his show is whats up right now. He has the attention of the gurus, of the puahate crowd, and the community in general; this is even something Barry Kirkey couldnt do in his prime.
I know puahate moderator Thor is a big fan of jtr, would be curious to get his thoughts on this. Yuriy from SeenStars is also an admitted fan of jtrs show, would love to hear his thoughts as well.
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thanks for nothing
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don't ruin a good bit at it's peak....
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you know what? joke is over.
you were funny for what like 5 minutes...
i am sick of seeing you copy/pasta ing everything....
get out of here and come back whenever you wash the cum out of your mouth....
p.s. nice sig
Up his own ass? Even with all his double-counting, at maximum he has a thousand listeners. Take out all of the double counting and people like me who listened to a couple minutes and hated it, and it's probably him and his friend.
Who? How? Most big guru sites gets thousands of visitors per day. Jack the Insecure Faggot has a tiny fraction of that, and anyone who listens to Jack the Insecure Faggot is never buying anything anyway. Any guru who gives a shit what Jack the Insecure Faggot is saying is either as insecure as Jack or is the stupidest business person in the world since the guy who thought up New Coke.
Yea because getting our attention is really hard. I just started a thread yesterday about whether you should tell a steady stream of rape and abortion jokes to women you meet. It already has 12 replies.
I probably don't spend as much time as you on "community" forums. Can you send us some links of places where Jack the Insecure Faggot is what everyone is focused on now? Faganova Crew doesn't count.
Think he could. People did talk about Barry Kirkey. He had all the major gurus on his show embarrassing themselves. The difference between Barry Kirkey and Jack the Insecure Faggot is that Barry had real first-hand knowledge of this stuff and Barry could lure the real gurus onto the show to embarrass themselves.
Sounds like you know their thoughts. They like the show. A lot of people think it's dreadful. You're not going to shut people up who point out all the problems with the show and explain why it's awful by pointing at a couple random people and saying they think it's good.
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I was just checking his archive, and though Ive never been a avid listener, looks like Rip has had just as many gurus on as Barry, except jtr somehow managed to interview BradP, DJ Fuji, Nick Quick, Marni and others Barry could never book. And now looks like Hypnotica wants to do the jtr show.
I agree with brownie and Lefty, gotta give the devil his due, jtr's last two shows are highly entertaining. All of Barry's guru stories are 6+ years old, whereas jtr knows them all and has more recent stories.
Consider me won over, jtr dont ever stop doing podcasts.
And junkface, you sure seem to hate especially on jtr and supperjoints, and the other podcasts. Is it possible that JUNKYFACE is actually Barry Kirkey? If so, now that would be a new level of pathetic.
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Wow, the great DJ Fuji, the ever-famous Nick Quick, the well-known Marni?
I'm an equal-opportunity hater. I'm not Barry Kirkey, he's kind of a douche.